Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Loving a City

I realise now, feeling not so happy and fulfilled as I thought I would before I came, in a perfectly beautiful, artsy, historical, lively city that feeling good within a city is feeling comfortable where you are. It mostly depends on where you are installed, where you have your family and friends, where you have your activities centered.

I realise as well that, I could actually perfectly get used to Paris (I would probably need to move elsewhere from this appartment-it's way too expensive and way too tiny, really!) as it is one of the best cities in the World, but I dont really want to because I used to live in another one of those best cities in the World and that is where I will be going back.

So I realise that the hardest thing is actually to leave where you live and where you are well for a short period of time (like one year or a couple of months). Because you need time to like where you go, to make new friends and to share with them, you need time to discover your favorite market, your favorite movie theather, your favorite bookshop, your hairdresser, your favorite restaurant(s) and all that. By the time you get to do all this, you actually end up having spent most of your time, sadly, and you feel depressed once again that you have to leave.

Nevertheless, my suggestion to myself is not to stay where I am in the future because I know I will want to discover more, but ... I actually do not suggest anything at all, I just observe and describe for now.

1 comment:

  1. cok sey soyleyip hic bir şey dememek bu degil mi R.D.
    ote yandan haklisin
    lol xD

